Over the past few centuries, the ideals of what makes a gentlemen and lady have evolved, especially when it comes to the role of women. The site, The Art of Manliness, contains valuable information that is useful to many boys and men alike.

The art of ladyness, however, is faced with many opposing viewpoints concerning women and the way they should look and act in today’s world.

The art of ladyness is about being the best woman you can be. Walking hand-in-hand with men as equals.

Let’s start with the definition of equals.

Equality between men and women does not mean that men and women are the same, they are not the same. Men and women are equal compliments of each other.

They each provide their own strengths and weaknesses both physically, mentally and emotionally.

Here’s how you can be a lady. Keep in mind, not all women, girls or chicks can be ladies.

A pretty woman without substance or intellect is not a lady. A lady is educated, intelligent as well as stunning. So let’s get started.


How to act the part. Being a Lady.

Being a lady is about respecting yourself and others.

1. Move Gracefully

Being a lady has alot to do with how you move and carry yourself. It shows how your portray and convey yourself and it changes your emotional and mental patterns.

When sitting, standing or walking keep your back straight and shoulders comfortably back. Keep your eyes up when you walk, not down looking at the floor. Research shows that changing your posture changes your mood. Let your posture, your mind and your mood compliment each other with graceful power.

2. Speak Eloquently

Avoid words such as “like” “omg” “totally” and high pitched giggling, when in a situation in which you want to be perceived as a lady of intelligence and class. Note the tone of your voice, posture, and speed as you speak with others.

Expand your vocabulary, not to be able to sling around fancy words, but to be able to accurately express what you want to say. Use words that compliment the message you want to send and color the message with the images you want the listener to imagine. Study rhetoric.

When speaking your mind do it tactfully. A lady does not lose control or raise her voice when agitated.

3. Set Goals & Achieve Them

Find something that you are passionate about and research it, follow it, achieve it. Set goals and work to make them happen.

This increases your self-confidence and enriches your world experience. That brings us to…

4. Know the Community & World Around You

And I’m not referring to celebrity gossip. Know a thing or two about politics, about science, about philosophy, gardening, etc. Be able to hold a conversation with someone you just met. Be a woman of the world per say.

5. Let A Man Be A Gentleman

There has been some confusion about male and female equality with regards to chivalry and independence.

If your man offers to open the door for you, pull back your chair, pay for dinner, open something for you, etc etc, do not be offended or uncomfortable. There is nothing wrong with letting a guy show he can care for you with little gestures. Generally speaking, a man takes initiative and employs chivalry when taking his lady on a date or out in general. A lady accepts these gestures and also returns the favor whenever the situation seems fit.

It’s ok to let your man take control, relax and have fun when you guys are together. It doesn’t mean you need it. When you are by yourself, you know you are more than capable of handling anything that comes your way. A lady is independent but also comfortable enough to let her man take initiative.

6. Understand Style to Look Stunning, not Slutty

A few rules of thumb are:

  • Be comfortable in what you are wearing. Make sure it fits your size. Not too tight or loose.
  • If you are going to reveal a certain body part, cover up another one. Don’t reveal everything at once. Some mystery is key.
  • Dress for the occasion.

7. Honor Your Man

I’ll admit, this one is a challenge to do correctly. It has to do with being in your confidence and power enough to completely surrender to your man. To relinquish control requires love, trust and humility.

8. Live Virtuously

Find out what virtues matter most to you and live by them.

9. Be Humble

Humility may sometimes be mistaken for weakness when it is actually one of the truest indicators of confidence and maturity.

It encompasses many other virtues such as respect for others, inner-peace and openness to learn and grow. A lady who is humble can see the world from a more accurate lens with the understanding of the intrinsic value of each human being. Then she can truly learn, grow, be of service and provide value to others and the world.

10. Learn to Master Your Emotions

This is one of the most challenging. It takes great awareness and mental discipline to achieve. Master this and you’ll be unshakable.

Some best practices to stay healthy and happy are to exercise, eat well and sleep well. When it comes to mastering your emotions on more challenging days try natural supplements such as maca root and vitamin b.

Learn to go deeper into mastering and transmuting your emotions. 

Bonus: Don’t be Afraid to Get Dirty

Be adventurous. Back in the day, a woman playing certain sports, rock climbing, running around may have been possibly unlady-like but today it’s the definition of an awesome female, especially when you can share that adventure with your man. Let go and get a bit dirty, and try new things.

Just know your boundaries. Don’t try to show yourself up and like like a man, you are not a man and could end up hurting yourself. Know when to jump into something and when to stand back.

Don’t try to match a man’s physical strength. Remember complimentary equality.

Jacqueline Quinn

Hi, my name is Jacqueline Quinn. I'm a writer, teacher and intuitive self-mastery coach. I specialize in combining cutting edge science and ancient spiritual wisdom for radical, empowering and liberating shifts in consciousness.

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