Truth is Relative. Reality is Relative.

This post relates to one of the most important concepts of Consciousness Liberty.

Finding and living your truth.

The purpose behind Consciousness Liberty is to give you the tools and mindset shifts that will create mental self-liberation so you can live in your authenticity and FIND/LIVE YOUR TRUTH.

Years ago, I was living the corporate life and I had this burning, insatiable desire to find “truth.” I didn’t know what that meant. I just knew I “NEEDED” to go find it. So I left – backpack in hand – to explore the world and more importantly to explore myself and find truth.

And I found truth.

I was beyond excited that I had discovered this key to life and HAD to SHARE it with the world – when a voice inside of me said,

“No, do not share this as truth, this is YOUR truth, not everyone’s truth.”

I began to realize that – although there are some concepts that seem to resonate universally – we are all a unique collection of our experiences, beliefs, teachings, perceptions, perspectives and DNA. We can process experiences in endless amounts of variations of perceptions. 

What is meaningful to you may not be meaningful to someone else and vice versa.

The important thing is that you find what resonates with YOU. What strikes a cord deep in the core of your being so strong, so right that you are bulletproof. No amount of opinions and convincing from others can shake you. It is the priciple you live by that gives you satisfaction and fulfillment.

In that moment, I realized that inside everyone’s consciousness is the entire universe from their own personal and unique point of view and that it is as unique as the person themselves. Truth is personal. Truth is relative.

So how is truth relative? Personal?

Truth is defined to be based on “reality.”

If you’ve ever had a “mind-enhancing” experience you will understand that “reality” can shift drastically. If you’ve been in a mindstate where time slows down or speeds up or you drove home from work and thought, “Wow how did I get here?” Or if you’ve ever gotten drunk, you can see that reality shifts based on the thoughts, perceptions, functions and chemicals in your brain.

What about things that are scientifically proven? What about things like gravity? What about the sun rising every morning?

There is such a thing as collective consciousness – A shared energy and perspective that creates our reality. Tom Chi, Co-Founder of Google X and Founder at Prototype Thinking LLC, explains it as “The Pallet of Being”

You can see reality as relative based on the fact that when you observe sometime you have the ability to change its manifestation or action based on your observation of it. This was observed in the famous quantum mechanics experiment, the Double Slit Experiment

Welcome to Consciousness Liberty. We are the light that illuminates your truth.

And you know what they say about truth? It sets you free. Free from all the noise, limitations, fears and status quo.

Here’s the Gameplan

  1. We are going to dive deeper into the recursive, meta-definition of truth and reality.
  2. Challenge that definition.
  3. Provide examples and bring up theories which provide explanations to the relative nature of truth and reality.
  4. Blow your mind.
  5. Show you how to apply it practically.

Ok #4, maaybeee. haha. Maybe.

Ready? Let’s dive deeper into truth. What is it?

Definition of Truth

1a(1): The body of real things, events, and facts : ACTUALITY
(2): The state of being the case : FACT
2a: The property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality.
(3) Often capitalized: A transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality
b: A judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true


The definition of truth is defined with the word Truth itself, along with the words Actuality, Reality and Fact. 

Let’s go deeper still.

Definition of Actuality

1: The quality or state of being actual.
2: Something that is actual: FACT, REALITY possible risks which have been seized upon as actualities— T. S. Eliot. In actuality: in actual fact


The definition of Actuality is described by pretty much itself (lol) and the words Fact and Reality.

Moving on…

Definition of Fact

1a: Something that has actual existence. Space exploration is now a fact.
b: An actual occurrence. Prove the fact of damage
2: A piece of information presented as having objective reality. These are the hard facts of the case.
3: The quality of being actual: ACTUALITY A question of fact hinges on evidence
4: a thing done: such as a: CRIME accessory after the fact.


Fact is defined by Actuality, Reality and Objective Reality.

Noticing a pattern here?

Definition of Reality

1: The quality or state of being real.
2a(1): A real event, entity, or state of affairs. His dream became a reality
(2): The totality of real things and events trying to escape from reality.
b: Something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily.


Reality – the state of being real. Awesome thanks for that, haha! Facepalm.

Let’s move on..

Here’s where we’re at.

  • Truth =Actuality, reality and fact.
  • Actuality = Fact, reality and objective reality.
  • Fact = Actuality or reality.
  • Reality = real, reality.

It’s a never-ending loop that struggles for a true definition within the same few words and collapses back onto itself. Although there is an interesting phrase to pull out of this – objective reality. 

Alright, let’s look up “objective reality”.

Not in the dictionary.

Diving into philosophy, here are a few definitions:

What is “Objective Reality”?

“The objective reality is the collection of things that we are sure exist independently of us. Every person is able, in principle, to verify every aspect of the objective reality. Anything that cannot be verified in this way is not part of the objective reality.”

“Many philosophers would use the term “objective reality” to refer to anything that exists as it is independent of any conscious awareness of it (via perception, thought, etc.).”

The argument for objective reality is anything that can be measured apart from perception – i.e. using tools of measurement.

For example:

  • You are holding ice in 1 hand and something a hot beverage in the other hand.
  • Then at the same time put both hands into a bucket of water.

The hand that was holding ice will feel warmer and the hand that was holding the hot beverage will feel colder in that same bucket. Yet the bucket of water remains the bucket of water itself. Nothing has changed with it – Although there are 2 perceptions of what it is based on subjective (perceived) reality.

So in this example, the “objective reality” is the bucket of water.

Collective Consciousness Does Not Prove Absolute Reality

Now, what if?…

What if the proposed subject is experiencing this bucket of water while under the influence of LSD, an hallucinogenic enabler.

Now the bucket of water is changing colors, talking to the subject and creating little pictures for the subjects amusement. A subjective experience.

Now imagine that a large majority of subjects all experience the bucket on LSD. Everyone believes the bucket of water is a talking, rainbow that draws pictures. It becomes “collective truth or wisdom” based on a multitude of perceptions that agree. But it does NOT make it truth. It is basically universal subjective reality – not objective.

Challenging The Bucket of Water as an “Objective Reality”

And yet the bucket of water is still the bucket of water. Even with instruments of measurement, we are still relying on perception to interpret or read the results. Therefore, all we can “know” about reality MUST be perceived – MUST be subjective.

The bucket of water is still the bucket of water – Yet we cannot “know” it because we MUST perceive it.

We Cannot “Know” Reality, Only Conceptualize it: Plato’s Theory of Reality

Plato argued that truth is an abstraction divorced from the so called “external world”. (4,5)

If you take the bucket of water example, the bucket can be perceived in endless ways by various consciousnesses: hot, cold, 77º F, H20, energy waves, particles, wet, reflective etc.

However, there is a constant that consciousness seems to agree on.

“This” is what “that thing” IS to them. The ESSENCE of it.

 Immanuel Kant used the expression “Ding an sich” (the “thing-in-itself”) to designate pure objectivity. (2)

Even with different words to describe the water, or different perceptions of it – that is what “bucket of waterness” is to the subject. The idea of it. In his Theory of Forms, Plato taught that ideals are ultimately real.

“The Theory of Forms or Theory of Ideas is a philosophical theory, concept, or world-view, attributed to Plato, that the physical world is not as real or true as eternal, absolute, unchangeable ideas. According to this theory, ideas in this sense, often capitalized and translated as “Ideas” or “Forms”, are the non-physical essences of all things, of which objects and matter in the physical world are merely imitations. “

Basically, Plato argues that ideas can be absolute, “or hold an absolute turth/ reality. It’s a mental playing field. And – Also the 1st law of the Hermetic Universal Truths. The Principle of Mentalism “All is mind”. Which is in itself a concept.

Along with the ideas/ concepts/ philosophies of Hermetism, we have scientific “truths” of physics, quantum physics etc. which do not hold constant or absolutely true.

With the arrival of quantum physics disproving the absoluteness of physics – physists struggled to find an absolute theory of everything. Einstein tried and did not succeed. Hawkings ensued and also did not succeed. Physists are still trying. (12)

Even universal principles cease their universiality when you imagine a reality existing outside of everything we know.

Imagine a world where the world is square, with new laws of physics and new “forms”, colors, object, experiences that which don’t exist in anything we’ve ever come across or have the capacity to perceive or imagine.

Possible, and therfore all “truths” crumble to this potentiality.

If We Cannot “Know” Something, It Falls Outside of Our Reality and is Not Real to Us – Except as a Concept.

Here’s an example. Imagine the entire world is blind. Everyone. We have no ability to perceive, to know sight. If we were introduced to “sight” could we see it?

There is an interesting study of a man – dubbed Mr. Pentagon – born blind, and his experiences on the potent hallucinogenic, LSD.

“I never had any visual images come to me. I can’t see or imagine what light or dark might look like,” Mr. Blue Pentagon told the researchers. But under the influence of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide, also known as acid), sounds felt unique and listening to music felt like being immersed in a waterfall, he said. “The music of Bach’s third Brandenburg concerto brought on the waterfall effect. I could hear violins playing in my soul and found myself having a one hour long monologue using different tones of voices … LSD gave everything ‘height.’ The sounds coming from songs I would normally listen to became three dimensional, deep and delayed.”

Having never “known” sight and being born without the ability for sight, Mr. Pentagon did not have any visual images. Of the LSD “reality” which was experienced, sight was not included. Inexperienceable, incomprehesible.

We as perceiving being cannot “know” absolutes, yet only entertain ourselves using concepts, ideas, principles, etc. about absolutes.

Therefore truth and reality are based on personal perceptions based on our unique makeup, ideals, and collective reality. (Collective reality: the reality a collective group of consciousness (people per say) can agree on.)

Spiritually speaking, Truth is found once we become “enlightened”. It’s defined as the “full comprehension of a situation” (9) The experience of Enlightenment is still a perceived reality.

If there is an “absolute reality” we cannot perceive it.

We are biased, perceptual beings by nature. Therefore it falls outside of our reality and doesn’t exist to us, except in concept or ideal, as Plato defines.

Theoretically, if we we are to entertain the idea of an absolute reality and see it through the absolute, all inclusive eyes of “Source” “God” “All” – we would see absolute reality as the all inclusive potentiality of being. This is considering all possible genetic combinations, perspectives, genetic makeup, information and perception (thus being absolute consciousness) or conversely, non at all (thus being absolute consciousness). This thoery is also proposed by Bishop Berkley’s Idealism thoery (10).

Absolute truth and reality would be everything – and also unknown to us.

Therefore falling outside of our scope of reality or ability to perceive and know, except as a conceptual imaginative creation, an ideal.

Within our perception of reality, Truth is relative. Reality is relative. 

For Practical Application

  1. Your truth is personal and as unique as you are.
  2. Do not impose your truth onto others.
  3. When in an argument about “Who is right” keep in mind there are multiple realities. All are true to the consciousness that believes or “holds” them as true.
  4. Find your truth and live it. It’s only yours.
  5. The definition of truth as a circular meta-reference alludes to our inability to “know” it.

And YOUR TRUTH will set you free. In your integrity. In your authenticity. In your congruency. In your unique expression onto this world.

I’m here to help you find it. Contact me if you want to get in touch or say hi.

With Love,

– Jacqueline
Consciousness Liberty


Jacqueline Quinn

Hi, my name is Jacqueline Quinn. I'm a writer, teacher and intuitive self-mastery coach. I specialize in combining cutting edge science and ancient spiritual wisdom for radical, empowering and liberating shifts in consciousness.

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