Apply The Law of Neutralization & Never Have Another Bad Day Again

Let’s face it, some days you wake up and wish you never left your house. You feel unusually irritable, depressed or just “blah” or “meh”. This affects you, your relationships, your career and your overall success in life.

As you grow and take on more responsibility, there is more pressure to perform — to take on more demanding, advanced and challenging tasks in your work and home space.

The pressure’s on to perform and excel every day. 

So how do you sustain your permanent “A-Game” to perform at your very best every day?
How do you make every day a GREAT day?

“To change your mood or mental state — change your vibration.” – The Kybalion

I’m going to share some very powerful ancient wisdom, so you can use the Law of Neutrality to never have another bad day again.

Applying the Law of Neutralization brings mental and emotional balance, stability and sustained success in your life.

Sounds too good to be true?

The law is simple. The challenge lies in the application. It takes diligence and mastery to command.

Ready? We are going to dive deep into wisdom here so stay with me even if you don’t understand all the details.

According to Hermetic philosophy, there are 7 natural Principles of the Universe. Among these 7 is the Principle of Rhythm. The Principle of Rhythm is defined in the book, The Kybalion, which states:

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” – The Kybalion.

This principle can be seen in nature in the form of day and night,  the changing of seasons, the waves of the ocean and the rise and fall of your moods.

This principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, to and fro; a flow and inflow, backward and forward.

We see and understand the rise-and-fall behavior of these energy waves that permeate our existence.


It is a pendulum-like movement between the two poles. Hot and cold, happy and sad, courageous and fearful, empowered and powerless.

And it can make a world of difference in your performance when you wake up especially demotivated or fearful.

This principle explains that what goes up must also come down, including your wealth, moods, success etc. Understanding this principle is crucial to your perpetual success and balance in life.

The good news is that once you understand this principle you can also neutralize it. The Hermetists used this principle and also understood how to neutralize its’ effects.

“…there are many Planes of Causation, and one may use the laws of the higher to overcome the laws of the lower.” – The Kybalion

The Law of Neutralization

The law of Neutralization works by applying the laws from the higher planes of consciousness, the mental plane, to the lower planes of consciousness, the emotional and physical planes of consciousness to neutralize the swing of the pendulum caused by the Principle of Rhythm.

The Principle of Rhythm manifests on the mental as well as the physical plane.

“Rhythm may be neutralized by an application of the Art of Polarization.”
– The Kybalion

The moods and feelings you experience on the emotional plane of consciousness are due to the backward and forward swing of the mental pendulum which carries us from one polar experience of emotion to the opposite. Such as elation and depression.

Applying the Law of Neutralization

First, we will understand what the planes of consciousness are, so we can affect the higher upon the lower.

According to various spiritual and esoteric teachings, there are 7-31 planes of consciousness that range depending on how they are broken down and explained.

Below, I have defined them as 7, to keep it simple. Although they can be further broken down.

#1 or highest plane of consciousness is the Logoic Plane. The lowest or densest plane is the physical plane at #7. The highest plane vibrates at the highest frequency and the lowest plane vibrates at the lowest frequency, comparatively.

They are:

  1. Logoic / Monadic Plane
  2. Divine Plane
  3. The Spiritual Plane
  4. The Buddhic / Unity Plane
  5. The Mental / Causal Plane
  6. The Emotional / Astral Plane
  7. The Physical Plane

Taken from:

We are focusing on applying the Law of Neutralization on the mental plane, in bold above. From this list, you can see that the mental plane lies above the emotional and physical planes. So we will use the law of neutralization to balance our mind and consequently our emotions.

According to the Kybalion:

“The Hermetic Master, or advanced student, polarizes himself at the desired pole, and by a process akin to “refusing” to participate in the backward swing, or, if you prefer, a “denial” of its influence over him, he stands firm in his polarized position, and [1.] allows the mental pendulum to swing back along the unconscious plane.

“All individuals who have attained any degree of self-mastery, accomplish this, more or less unknowingly, and by refusing to allow their moods and negative mental states to affect them, they apply the Law of Neutralization. The Master, however, carries this to a much higher degree of proficiency, and [2.] by the use of his Will he attains a degree of Poise and Mental Firmness almost impossible of belief on the part of those who allow themselves to be swung backward and forward by the mental pendulum of moods and feelings. – The Kybalion

I have bolded the key parts of the above:

    1. By using the law of neutralization you allow the swing of the mental pendulum to swing in the unconscious mental plane instead of the conscious mental plane.
  1. This is achieved by willpower.

“The Will is superior to the conscious manifestation of this Principle, although the Principle itself can never be destroyed. We may escape its effects, but the Principle operates, nevertheless. The pendulum ever swings, although we may escape being carried along with it.” – The Kybalion

So what does this mean exactly?

The master uses willpower do 2 things:

    1. Polarizes himself with a selected mental state (say positivity) and stays there, basking in positivity.Then
  1. Raises his ego (himself) to a higher plane of mental consciousness. It is akin to rising above a thing and letting it pass beneath you.

This causes the swing of the pendulum to manifest on the lower plane, while the master is on the higher plane, thereby escaping the pendulum swing backward as it manifests on the unconscious lower plane. (Remember the master’s conscious mind is now on a higher plane).


To give you a few examples:

    1. Let’s say you are 5 years old and another child has taken the toy you were going to play with at school break. How crushing. You cry for 25 minutes.
  1. You are now 13 and your parent is picking you up from school in an outfit strikingly similar to yours. How mortifying! What will your friends think? It’s ruined your day and perhaps even your life at school.

Assuming you are now adults of various ages, the above 2 examples seem petty and insignificant, right?

That is because your ego, or understanding of self, has risen above this. You have risen above this.

Let’s try another example.

You start a business and it fails. Devastating. “Am I a failure? Who do I do? This can’t be happening!”

Now, let’s say you’ve started 15 businesses. 10 of which have failed and 5 succeeded. A failure is more like a lesson learned and moved past, not an identity with self (ego). Your mental and emotional response is completely different, now that you have a broader experience of starting 15 businesses as compared with the narrow experience of starting just 1 business.

In all cases, you, ego, has risen above.

So you, as a master, when faced with the failure of your first company, raise your ego above the situation and don’t let it affect you. Although you don’t have the experience of starting 15 companies yet, you have the knowledge that your perception can vary based on your understanding of self and situation.

So, you use your willpower to foster the mental thoughts of accomplishment — and give yourself credit for trying, for risking for learning.

Thoughts and feelings of you being a failure swing beneath you. You have risen above.
This takes practice, mental focus and willpower to achieve. Successful control in applying the Law of Neutralization is both simple and masterfully challenging.

Best of luck and success to you.

Beyond the Law of Attraction, Discovering the 12 Universal Laws & Using Them To Your Benefit

“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.” – The Kybalion

The moment the world was re-exposed to the Law of Attraction, it was taken and entranced by it. It profoundly changed the way we saw the universe and our place in it.

However, this is only the beginning of the Universal Laws. Once you discover, understand and use these laws to your benefit, you will hold the immense power of deliberate influence of the reality around you.

Let’s begin by defining the Law of Attraction.

“Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on.”

“It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe – one of which being the Law of Attraction. It is the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually.”


There are 7-31 generally defined planes of existence or dimensions of reality. The exact number is debatable of course.

The planes of existence you know most well operate by these Universal Laws. They are the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes, respectively.

There are 7 Universal Laws of Principles defined in the book, The Kybalion.

There are 5 additional Universal Laws, which actually fall under the first 7. However, they are worth mentioning, as defining them promotes their understanding and application.


Notice the difference between mutable and immutable laws.

The first 3 principles defined in The Kybalion are immutable, meaning the are absolute and cannot be changed or transcended. Their existence has always been — and will always be.

The remaining 4 principles are mutable, meaning that they can be transcended through the practice of alchemy.

To transcend these laws, you must apply the law of the higher planes of existence on the law of the lower planes of existence.

For example, the mental and emotional planes of existence are higher than the physical.

Here they are. The 12 Universal Laws. Proceed with caution and responsibility, for the principles presented below are vastly powerful tools.


“THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.” – The Kybalion.

What it is:

This Principle embodies the truth that “All is Mind.” All being defined as material, spiritual, mental, emotional, energetic existence is a mental CREATION of the ALL. It is subject to the laws of created things.

How it works for you:

When you are to understand this principle you realize that what you think you create and you can create with enough energy and consistency that the energy can condense enough to materialize into matter. What many people know as the law of attraction. This shows you can imagine anything you want and bring that into existence for you. You are not only the captain of your ship but the master of your universe.


“As above, so below; as below, so above.” – The Kybalion

What it is:

This principle embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of being and life. There exist various planes of existence, each with its own laws. When you understand how these work, you can apply this law to various planes. These planes are mental, spiritual, psychical, etc.

How it works for you:

When you understand how one world works, you can understand the ones above and below.


  • Electrons and protons revolve around the nucleus in an atom = Planets revolve around the sun.
  • Blood flows through your body = rivers flow through the land.

Check out the images below of brain neurons (small scale), trees (medium scale), and a nebula (large scale) to see this principle represented.

Neurons viewed under a microscope. Image made available by and used under Wikipedia Creative Commons Licence.

trees-like-neuronsPhoto by Mikkel Schmidt.

crab_nebulaThe Crab Nebula used under Wikipedia Creative Commons Licence.

They all look alike. And they behave alike. When you find the differences and find the similarities, you will find the secrets of the universe. As above so below, as small so large.

Imagine this: Look up at the stars in the sky and look down at the sand on the beach. We will use the comparison of the sand on the beach to count the stars in the sky.

Notice the sand stretching for miles. Now, create a rough estimate of the number of individual grains of sand you see.

Now, add up all the grains of sand on all the beaches on this planet. Take that number and apply it to the stars above.

Quite a lot yes?

You are only beginning to grasp the magnitude of the universe.

Take the sand on all the planets in our universe, then apply that number to the stars. Take all the sand in the all the universes and apply that number to the stars.

We’re getting warmer.

Fun yeah?


You can use this knowledge and information to understand the various “scales” of the universe by understanding the one on your “scale”.


“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” – The Kybalion.

What it is:

This Principle embodies the truth that “everything is in motion”; “everything vibrates”; “nothing is at rest”. These are facts which modern science endorses, and which each new scientific discovery tends to verify. We have studied matter closely and broken it down into molecules, into atoms, into electrons, protons, neutrons, photons, quarks, etc. until we arrived at energy. We realize that everything is energy and that energy is in motion. This corresponds with the law of “change” everything is changing. Everything is always moving, even when it appears motionless.

How it works for you:

When you realize that everything is perpetually in motion that means it can be changed moment to moment. Every moment you can decide what it can move to, vibrate to, transmute to. This presents to you — the creator — an enormous amount of control and power moment to moment, eternally.


“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”
– The Kybalion.

What it is:

This principle embodies the truth that everything is dual, polar and has an opposite. We can know something by comparing it to something else. These “opposites” are varying degrees of the same thing, located on the same scale, on the same line.

Take hot and cold for example. At first assessment, these appear to be very far from each other — opposites in fact.

If you go from a hot tub into a pool, the pool feels cold. Now go from the pool to an ice tub. The pool is warm now! The ice tub is cold. You get the idea. Same goes for topics such as sharp and dull, high and low, etc.

How it works for you:

Once you understand that these “seemingly opposites” lie on the same line of a plane, the scale can be easily adjusted from, metaphorically speaking, left to right, right to left. Take hold and cold, and dull and sharp. You can slide from cold into hot, but you cannot slide from cold into sharp. That is a different line. You have the ability to transmute sadness to happiness. To go from scattered to focused.

Now that you understand how this works, you know you can take a scattered mind and create focus by adjusting the degree.


“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” – The Kybalion.

What it is:

This principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, to and fro; a flow and inflow, backward and forward. It is a pendulum-like movement between the two poles which exist in accordance with the Principle of Polarity described a moment ago.

We see and understand the rise-and-fall behavior of these energy waves that permeate our existence.


How it works for you:

This principle explains that what goes up must also come down, including your wealth, moods, success etc.

Understanding this principle is crucial to your perpetual success and balance.

The good news is that once you understand this principle you can also neutralize it. The Hermetists used this principle and also understood how to neutralize its’ effects.

They learned to apply the Mental Law of Neutralization and you can too. Half of the work of figuring out the law has already been done for you by the Hermetists. The other half is your own poise and execution. You cannot annul or fight the principle, but you can work around this principle by applying the laws on the higher planes of consciousness to this one to neutralize the swing.


“Every Cause has its effect; every effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.” – The Kybalion.

What it is:

This principle embodies the fact that there is a cause for every effect; an effect from every cause. It explains that: “Everything Happens according to Law”; that nothing ever “merely happens”. Nothing happens by chance or accident.

There are various planes of cause and effect in the dimensional planes of reality and the higher dominate the lower. However, there is no escaping the law, merely a strategic application of law upon law.

How it works for you:

You can understand this law as basic physics or karma, and yet there is much more than can be done in the application of this law. You can in effect, “rise above” this law and become a “causator” instead of an “effect” of it.

The vast majority of people who are unaware of these laws become “effects” of them without the realization of the causes that they create.

In order to rise above, you must use the rules of cause and effect that lie upon the higher planes — and therefore rule on the physical plane of existence. To do so, you employ a higher level of awareness of your moods, emotions, environments and tendencies. Is your will inspired by a state of emotion you are affected by or an emotion you are deciding upon?


“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on planes.” – The Kybalion

What it is:

The principle of gender embodies the truth that gender manifests in everything, in all phases of phenomena and every plane of life. Gender manifests on the physical plane as male and female, although this principle’s application is much broader. The word “gender” comes from the latin root, “to beget, to procreate, to generate, to create, to produce.”

Gender occurs on a sub-atomic level with negatively charged electrons (feminine) and positively charged protons (masculine). Gender also occurs on the mental level. The subconscious (feminine) and conscious (masculine) parts of the mind, along with the right (feminine) and left (masculine) hemispheres of the brain.

How it works for you:

The two energies of the feminine and masculine are attracted to each other and come together to create or produce something. The feminine is ready to receive energy from the masculine and nurture it, grow it. Then in turn, the masculine energy is ready to “Action it” and express it into the world.

When you learn to embrace the complementary power of these 2 energies you become much more effective at realizing your creativity and desires. You also embrace these energies within yourself in totality, becoming more balanced and whole.

The Additional 5 Laws of the Universe

Under the 7 principles defined in The Kybalion, there are 5 more “Laws of the Universe” that are worthwhile to outline in order to more effectively understand their applications.

VIII. The Law of Divine Oneness

Under The Principle of Mentalism & The Principle of Correspondence.

Everything is connected to everything else. Everything is mind. The mind is all.

IX. The Law of Action

Under the Principle of Gender & The Principle of Cause & Effect

In order to realize a manifestation our physical plane, the energy of action must be employed. We must engage in actions that support our thoughts dreams, emotions and words.

This law complements the Principle of Mentalism, because what begins in the mind can be acted upon to realize that mental creation in the physical plane using the masculine energy of action. This masculine energy of action follows and activates the principle of Cause & Effect.

“The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals — a vain and foolish thing.”

“Knowledge, like wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces.” – The Kybalion.

X. The Law of Compensation

Under the Principle of Cause & Effect

This Universal Law applies to blessings and abundance that are provided for us as the effects of our causes. These take the form of blessings, money, gifts, support, favors and more.

XI. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Under the Principle of Vibration

Everything is always in motion, and thus in perpetual change. Change is the nature of the universe. In order to flow with natural law, we either accept change as it occurs, or effect change with the Principle of Cause & Effect.

Trying to control an event, person or thing into stagnation and non-change violates this law and brings the change of death or dissolution. No new energy is introduced until the vibration dissolves that which was, also changing it, as nothing escapes the law.

Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones, so true power over the lower is employed when this law is employed from the higher dimensions of existence; understood and applied.

XII. Law of Relativity

Under The Principle of Polarity

This law is an important one to keep in mind to gain a truer perspective of the reality around you.

Throughout your life, you will be rewarded and tested. This law reminds you to keep things in perspective as you may believe you are facing a colossal challenge, only to become aware of a situation which a friend is facing. Your friend’s challenge makes your challenge seem like just a “small bump in the road” by comparison.

All is relative.

This understanding restores your power, harbored in the understanding that the challenge may not be as insurmountable as it once seemed.

“All you judge is the comparison.” – Jacqueline, Creator of Consciousness Liberty

Source: The Kybalion

Download The Kybalion: the-kybalion

10 Step Exercise To Really Find Your Life’s Purpose

Everyone — just like they have unique fingerprints, also have unique “fingerprints” figuratively. They are the things that YOU LOVE, that other people just wouldn’t understand.

And there are things in life that people just can’t get enough of that you don’t see the point of. Snapchat?…

Those things are you and they relate to your mission in life. The good news is that no matter what you want to do in life, no matter what. NO ONE, I mean NO ONE is going to do it like you. With your style, ideas, execution etc.

Most people spend their entire life searching for their life’s purpose. It’s right in front of you…

In all the little quirks and things you love. Although they are clouded by things that other people love. What your parents think they love and what you’re friends think success is because some online guru is preaching the flavor of the week.

For this exercise, you will write down a list of the top 10 things that come to mind when asked these questions. Don’t filter, just write down what comes up. If you write down more than 10, don’t worry. Just get about 10 on paper.

Ready? Let’s go.

  1. What do you enjoy spending your “spending money” on? Top 10. Circle the top 3.
  2. What do you enjoy doing? Top 10. Circle top 3.
  3. What moments or experiences do you value in life? Write down your top 10. Circle the top 3.
  4. What are your values in life? Make a list of the top 10 things. Circle the top 3.
  5. What topic or subjects strike up an emotional response in you? What gets you most excited? Whether it’s a positive or negative emotion. Write down what they are and the corresponding emotion.
  6. What books or magazines are you currently reading? If none, create a list of 3-5 topics you would like to read about.
  7. Preferences:
    – Do you prefer to work alone or in groups?
    – Do you prefer to work at a computer or out in the field. Passive vs active work. It could be a percentage such as 30% computer work, 70% speaking on stage.
    – Would you define yourself as more of an introvert, extrovert or both?
    – What is more important to you, mastery or variety?
  8. Make a list of every idea related to a business or project you want to create. It’s really important you take time to do this completely. It will create ALOT more clarity.
    Can any of these be combined? combine the similar ones. Example coffee shop + library, or daycare center + spa, or digital courses + meditation audios.
    Rate them then select your top 3.
    Which can you start right now without capital?
  9. What do you want your legacy to be after you die? What’s that 1 thing you want to contribute, leave behind or be known for?
  10. What is your biggest pain point in life? What frustrates you most about the world or holds you back in life?

Ok now write down the top in each category.

Here is an example:


– Nature
– Exercise
– Family

Business ideas:

– Children’s outside jungle gym
– Daycare center with a garden
– Animal conservation program.


– Adventure excursions in nature
– Organic products
– latest “green” technology

Books or magazines:

– Home & Garden Magazine
– Books about parenting
– Books on DIY


– Do you prefer to work alone or in groups? In groups
– Do you prefer to work at a computer or out in the field. Passive vs active work.
   Active work outside.
– Would you define yourself as more of an introvert, extrovert or both? Both.
– What is more important to you? Mastery or variety? Variety.


– Exercise and healthy living
– Interacting with children
– Sunshine and nature


– My health
– Time with family
– Being able to go out into nature and a clean environment


– Create a healthier world starting with our children where they learn how to live in accordance with nature.

Take the top in each category and compare them in the following ways.

Values + Business ideas + spending + Book topics + legacy = Your current goal in life.

Check for overlap:


– Nature
– Exercise
– Family


Business Ideas:

– Children’s outside jungle gym
– Daycare center with a garden
– Animal conservation program.



– Adventure excursions in nature
– Organic products
– Latest “green” technology


Book Topics:

– Home & Garden Magazine
– Books about parenting
– Books on DIY



– Create a healthier world starting with our children where they learn how to live in accordance with nature.


Your Current Goal in Life: “Create a daycare with a jungle gym and small garden that teaches children about respecting nature, growing their own organic food and preparing it, going on hikes and learning about plants and animals.”

Compare your current goal in life to your top 3 business ideas. What stands out?

Preferences + enjoy = How you want to bring your goal to life.


Do you prefer to work alone or in groups? In groups.
Do you prefer to work at a computer or out in the field.  Passive vs active work.
   Active work outside.   
Would you define yourself as more of an introvert, extrovert or both? Both.
What is more important to you? Mastery or variety? Variety.



– exercise and healthy living
– Interacting with children
– sunshine and nature


How you want to bring your goal to life: “I want to work close to nature in sunshine with children where I can teach them about various topics to lead a balanced and conscious lifestyle.”

Enjoy + Value = Your goal in life must allow for these things to happen to have balance.


– exercise and healthy living
– Interacting with children
– sunshine and nature



– My health
– time with family
– Being able to go out into nature and a clean environment


To have balance: “I enjoy a healthy lifestyle in a clean, natural environment working with children. My 30 hour workweek allows me plenty of time with my family and to maintain my favorite exercise routine.”

Topics with emotional response + Biggest pain point + Legacy = Your purpose in life.

Topics with emotional response:

– Environmental destruction
– My health and my family’s health
– Making sure the future generations are educated and supported to live in   accordance with nature and respect nature.


Biggest pain point:

– Watching my child growing up in an unbalanced society, without enough exercise or nature and knowing I have to do something about it.



– Create a healthier world starting with our children where they learn how to live in accordance with nature.


My purpose in life: To ensure future generations have access to a clean, healthy and natural way of life by teaching children a hands-on approach to nature and healthy, balanced living and protecting the environment for generations to come.

Congrats, you are now clear on your life’s purpose.

If you have any resistance to the statement above, you either

  1. Didn’t thoroughly complete the exercise.
  2. Have discovered self-limiting beliefs.

What now?

If you are like most people in the world, you will find your mind and body may “fight” you by giving you all the reasons it won’t work. Excuses, tiredness, sickness, fear, self-criticism, and questioning. Is this really my life’s purpose? What about this other idea I just got?

This is why we created a difference between “Your Life’s Purpose” and your “Current Goal in Life”

“Your life’s purpose” is the burning desire, the soul desire to serve others in your unique way. Only you can do this and it’s usually the constant thread in your life.

“Your current goal in life” is your current business idea and form of execution. However, it may not be your last.

You may have several careers or businesses that align with your purpose in life. So if you choose a career or business, go for it. Dive into it. When it’s time you may naturally evolve into something else. In some cases you won’t. In all cases, it’s the right path, flow with it.

If you want to see what careers are available in over 71 different countries, check out Jooble. When you perform a search with Jooble, you’ll get links to job postings from more than 21,640 different job sites that are the most relevant to your search terms. Find something new and exciting locally or anywhere around the world! Warning: Job sites can be overwhelming at times, so take the information and requirements that come up with a grain of salt. Remember, baby steps. 

What are your thoughts? Did you find your life’s purpose? Comment below.