Accessing the Superconscious State (For Beginners)

Warning. Some of these practices can be advanced. Consciousness Liberty and its associates take no responsibility for any effects you may experience. All responsibility is taken by the practicer. Use with caution at your own discretion.

We are in a pivotal time in history. Our world is becoming more interconnected and information is flowing at an all-time high. There are endless distractions, services and products offered at your fingertips – and on the go.

With the onset of this informational age, we can have trouble with concentration, over-information, over-medication and performance.

The good news is that we are beginning to understand and leverage our tech and knowledge to improve the quality of our lives and enhance our performance.

Enter superconsciousness. We’ll start by defining what it is and how it can enhance every aspect of your life.

The ideas behind leveraging the superconscious state of mind are genius-level thinking, an empowering perspective, a startling flow of ideas, inspiration and excitement. We will be accessing the “higher self”, or the superconscious aspect of you that connects you to all the knowledge in the universe.

Within superconsciousness is the flow state. A state of being where you are mentally focused and clear. Otherwise known as “being in the zone.”

Here are more reasons to learn how to access the superconscious state:

  • Inspired action
  • Genius level thinking
  • Flow state
  • Brilliant ideas
  • Operating from love and absence of fear
  • Clearer or enhanced perception
  • Extrasensory perception
  • A broader perspective that one of the “ego” self
  • Self-confidence
  • Peacefulness
  • Compassion
  • Intuition

So let’s get into what the superconscious state of being is exactly.

There are varying levels of consciousness as defined by different schools of thought, ranging numerically within 3-7 levels, and more. They include subconscious, pre-conscious, conscious, unity conscious, higher consciousness, divine consciousness, cosmic consciousness and superconsciousness.

The different levels of consciousness create varying states of knowledge, perception and feelings.

What is true in one state of consciousness may not be so in another state.

“There is only consciousness in all its different expressions.”

– Deepak Chopra

Within the state of superconsciousness, you come into realization with a bigger part of “yourself”, “God”, “The Universe”. You release operating from a fear-based survival mindset into operating with a love-based, giving, service mindset.

Superconsciousness within the levels of consciousness

To illustrate, we’ll organize consciousness below in descending order from the highest realization and vibration to lowest:

  • Divine consciousness
  • Unity Consciousness
  • Cosmic Consciousness
  • Superconsciousness
  • Consciousness
  • Preconscious
  • Subconscious

Divine Consciousness – Seeing through the eyes of God. Nuff said.

Unity Consciousness – The state of consciousness that realizes that all is connected and we are all one. This can be an aspect of superconsciousness in its deeper or higher levels.

Cosmic Consciousness – Transcending sensory human consciousness. Loss of fear of death from “Knowing” that life and death are illusions from a more expanded perspective. Containing the Akashic Records or information about everything contained in the Universe.

Superconscious – Your mind connected to a bigger “self” accessing a perspective or ideas of superhuman abilities, genius thinking, broader perspective. It contains the qualities of interconnectedness, peace, bliss, clarity, love, altruism, service, safety and wellbeing.

Conscious – Your mind in a state of awareness and able to choose, direct, and reason.

Preconscious – The information within your mind that can be easily accessed into consciousness. This includes emotions or information that has not been repressed such as recalling your old address or phone number.

Subconscious – Below your conscious state or aware state and including your memories, stored emotions and experiences, automatic bio functions. Habits performed without “conscious thinking” and repressed or forgotten emotions and memories.

Superconsciousness As Related to Unity, Divine & Cosmic Consciousness

In superconsciousness, you can see the material dimension and the subtle interworkings of cosmic and unity consciousness and bring a broader perspective of ideas and optimal level of functioning to the human experience.

So in effect, superconsciousness at it’s higher levels overlaps with the lower levels of cosmic and unity consciousness.

So how can you reach the state of superconsciousness?

The broader perspective of superconsciousness can be measured in certain brainwave states known as lambda and epsilon frequencies. When you are in this brainwave functioning, the characteristics and experience of superconsciousness are present.

I’m not gonna put it to you lightly here. This is not always an easily achievable state. It usually takes practice and exercise.

Now that we understand the qualities of superconsciousness and the measurable frequency of superconsciousness, we can get into it.

Here are the various ways to attain superconsciousness. Before you get all excited and think you’re gonna be aaaallll superconscious for your next work project, let’s go over some prep.

The lambda and epsilon frequencies of superconsciousness are very high or low frequencies, meaning you need to train your body and mind to receive them.

If you do not train beforehand, it’s like trying to lift 10X the weight you usually lift at the gym with no prior training. Or like trying to run really high voltage into a lightbulb designed for low voltage. You’ll blow the lightbulb. I.e. you may hurt yourself.

You’re a bioelectrical being, so the lightbulb analogy is actually pretty accurate. Symptoms of blowing your personal bio-system may include,

  • Intense pressure in the body
  • Headaches
  • Psychosis
  • Unexplainable illness
  • Emotional instability

ranging from subtle to extreme.

So much like weight lifting, proper training needs to happen mentally, emotionally, spiritually and holistically.

Superconsciousness at its higher levels encompasses cosmic consciousness and even unity consciousness.

So to start training, we will access the lower levels of superconsciousness.

Accessing the Lower Levels of Superconsciousness

I will teach you to access the lower levels of superconsciousness to start. This is your higher self, intuition, genius thinking, flow state, heart intelligence and infinite intelligence.

There are 7 techniques below. And 3 bonus techniques that enhance the effects and make it easier to enter the lower levels of superconsciousness.

Remember that this takes consistent practice over time. The good news is that you can practice pretty much anytime you choose.

1. Get into love and gratitude states

You know that feeling where you’re in love and everything is perfect? This is the right frequency foundation. Feel love, feel gratitude. Just thinking about it is not enough.

Bonus: Get into a state of awe. Feel awe. Usually, you can find that feeling in the majesty of nature.

2. Keep your body moving and flexible

Walk, run, dance, swim, practice yoga. Keep your body healthy and flexible. A stiff body can inhibit the flow of energy and may also cause pressure or pain.

Bonus: Listen to your favorite song and let it move you. There are songs that just “take you there”. Songs that you absolutely love and take you to this inspired, pumped up, amazing place. Use those and allow the song to move your body.

3. Relax the mind and body

In order for energy to flow through the body, you need to relax it. Talk to Qui Gong practitioners. They’ll agree.

4. Ask for what you want

Set an intention. Align your mental energy for your desired outcome.

5. Allow it to flow

When your genius-level thinking, ideas and inspiration come, don’t question it, don’t crush the life out of it with logical, analytical or rational thinking. Ensure you allow it to flow to you by feeling worthy of it and trusting in it.

6. Eat clean and eat for vibration

In order to hold higher vibrations, you want to keep your body healthy and eat food that enhances that high vibration your going for. Usually, it’s eating clean (no junk food, no chemicals) and eating real food, not prepackaged foods.

This helps your body, the energy vessel, to better hold these higher frequencies. Fasting also allows for your body to move into higher vibrations.

Bonus: Note that eating meat grounds you. If you want to facilitate these vibrations refrain from eating meat around the time of practice.

7. Practice Transcendental Meditation

This is where things start to get a little more advanced. When you first start Transcendental Meditation, you will begin to tap into superconsciousness. As you continue to train in Transcendental meditation, you will eventually experience “the gap” an expanded level of consciousness that transcends your identification of self and your body. And you experience cosmic, super or unity consciousness. This coincides with lambda or epsilon brainwave states biologically. You will also be running much higher vibrational energy throughout your body.

Ready for some advanced superconscious state techniques? Stay tuned for my next post on advanced techniques for accessing the superconscious state.

Have questions or want to share your ideas or experience? Share below!
