It’s time to REALLY get informed about drinking.
I mean beyond the basics of damaging pretty much all of our organs. And the violence and crime that comes with it.
What does alcohol do to our spirits?
The majority of people understand that alcohol is damaging to the body; but do they know how it affects them spiritually and energetically?
More and more people are becoming aware of their own energy, “vibe”, intuition, spirits, souls, higher-selves etc.
So, what happens to your energy and spirit when you drink alcohol?
But first,
Why do we drink alcohol, anyway?
Well, first of all, it’s kind of just there. It’s a social lubricant, It helps us relax, relate, and enjoy. We like its consciousness alternating effects to help us “escape”, “distract” and “let go”.
It releases inhibitions and aspects of ourselves that we usually keep tucked away. So much is socially forgiven after saying that line, “I was drunk”.
And… why is it there? Well, first off, because it’s ridiculously profitable.
And also because:
- It’s a state changer and state changers have been high in demand and notably profitable throughout history.
- It’s deeply tied to our social acceptance channel, which is closely tied to our survival channel.
- Society and marketing portray it in a positive and glamourous light.
- We’re bored and it gives us something to do. (2020 anyone?)
- And… because sometimes it tastes really good when done well.
What does it do to our bodies?
Alcohol, no surprise, creates a host of health problems. Most of which you’re probably already aware of. This infographic does a pretty good job of providing the basics.

Short term effects of alcohol impair judgement, coordination, and strain and harm the body’s organs, muscles, bones and nerves.
Long term effects include, diminished gray matter and white matter in the brain, memory loss, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, weight gain, irregular heartbeat, digestive issues and hinders new brain cell growth.
Oh yeah and then there are the..
Psychological Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol-induced psychiatric syndromes include depression, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and more.
Yeah but,
Can alcohol also be good for us?
Studies show that drinking in moderation can have beneficial effects on your circulation due to it raising your HDL, “good” cholesterol, levels. Heavy drinking, on the other hand, boosts your risk of heart disease. Alchohol can also help you be more social, and being social is shown to have emotional and psychological benefits.
Alcohol has also been known to help reduce gallstones, reduce type 2 diabetes, increase libido, help decrease tension (at least momentarily and compounded with the social element).
It can also put enough stress on the cells to toughen them up. The trick is finding that sweet spot… which is not always easy.
“Small amounts of alcohol might, in effect, make brain cells more fit. Alcohol in moderate amounts stresses cells and thus toughens them up to cope with major stresses down the road that could cause dementia.”
– Edward J. Neafsey, Study on Alcohol and Dementia published by the journal Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment
Physically speaking, there are some good benefits to drinking in moderation that keep us coming back for more.
But how does our spirituality mix with spirits?
This is where it gets interesting.
What does alcohol do to our spirits?
If you do any type of spiritual work, chances on you’ve noticed an increased sensitivity to alochol and stumbled upon some of the following effects.
As you become more sensitive to energy, you can actually feel the way your energy signature shifts or becomes inhibited.
As I’ve evolved spiritually, my tolerance for alcohol has taken a sharp turn downwards. What used to be 2-4 drinks on a weekend night with a mild hangover turned into 1 drink and feeling absolutely horrible the next day. Or having 2 drinks and getting sick while still “enjoying” my second.
What’s going on?
Well one day I got my first clue. My friend, a world-renowned energy worker, told me, “Jacqueline, you have the ability to channel, (as in energies, entities) and when you drink alcohol those channels open.”
It clicked. All of a sudden I realized why I didn’t feel myself after a night of drinking at a dive bar.
It was like leaving your home front door open. And maybe if you’re fucked up enough, leaving your house and going for a joy ride while leaving your home doors and windows wide open.
Anything and everything is free to come into your house, (body) metaphorically speaking. Dirt, leaves, critters, people, etc.
Alcohol & Alchemy
In chemical alchemy, alcohol is known as an extractor or separator of the essence from the object. Alcohol does the same to the human body, extracting the essence, or soul, from the body.
When the vibration of the human body becomes too low and the toxicity too high due to alcohol, the soul exits the body and hovers around it. This correlates to being “blackout drunk” and makes us more vulnerable to spirit attachments and low-frequency vibration intrusion.
Etymologically, the word, “alcohol” is derived from the Arabic word, “al-kuhl” which means, “body eating spirit”.
“Once through a spiritual vision, I could observe a crowded club. I noticed dark and evil entities hovering over the club, keeping an eye over the people enjoying inside.
Slowly as few people got incredibly drunk, I saw their souls depart their bodies, linked through a thread, as the intoxication made them uncomfortable. Evil spirits took overseeing empty vessels resulting in immoral acts. This is what is happening when someone has what we refer to as a ‘blackout.’Having abilities of clairvoyance, empath, and channeling, I can see spirits since my childhood. Many times I have seen malevolent entities surrounding drunk people.
-Jason Christoff
These people often have a crazed, dark look in their eyes that shows they are not themselves anymore.
So, here’s the “Spiritual Effects of Alcohol” shortlist:
1. Alcohol Lowers your Vibration
When you start drinking it relaxes you, which makes you feel like your energy is flowing better. In fact, alcohol poisons your body, lowers your frequency and jams up your energy.
“Because here’s what we all know: each time you drink alcohol, your vibration drops.
It can take up to ten days to restore the point of vibration you’re at before you drink.”
– Melanie Beckler
2. Alcohol Creates Holes in Your Aura
Your aura is an energetic field that surrounds your body; kind of like a force field. It keeps other energies at bay, that is, unless you have holes or tears.
You create holes in your aura by disrupting your energies in various ways through negative thinking, traumas, giving up your power, and consuming alcohol or drugs because they destabilize the vibrational system.
3. Alcohol Interferes with Psychic Abilities
Alcohol has been known to block psychic abilities and create a haze and murkiness from the person who is being “read” by the psychic. The connection is disrupted between the two people and their spirits. It’s recommended to abstain from drinking before doing any psychic work.
4. Alcohol Makes You Susceptible to Entities/ Energies
Yeah cool, no big deal. You may just take on destructive and depressing energies or unserving and malicious entities. How’s that for taking someone home with you from the bar?
After drinking, you may notice that, besides your hangover, you’re upset for no reason, irritable, apathetic, depressed, self-destructive or just don’t feel like yourself.
5. Alcohol Throws Your Chakras off Balance
Alcohol disrupts your energetic field and that includes your main seven chakras, creating an energetic imbalance in your body, mind and spirit that will take some time and attention to repair.
Alcohol Disrupts Your Spiritual Progress as a Whole
As you evolve in your spiritual journey and expand your spiritual capacity, you’ll have more conscious awareness of your energy. You’ll feel a shift in the “hum” or “buzz” of your energy even before the hangover sets in. Alcohol lowers your vibration due to its toxic nature.
And here’s the kicker.
Expanded spiritual awareness and capability is polarized in both a positive and negative direction.
Know this and save yourself a lot of trouble going forward.
“The more man knows, the more he is responsible for, and a person with the knowledge of Spiritual Law which he does not practice suffers greatly in consequence.”
– Florence Scovel Shinn
Not all spiritual beings go to the temple to pray.
YOU are the temple.
“Take care of your body temple, for the energy of the entire universe flows through it.”
– Consciousness Liberty