Accessing the Higher Superconscious State (9 Advanced Techniques)

Warning. These practices are advanced. Consciousness Liberty and its associates take no responsibility for any effects you may experience or any decisions you make. All responsibility is taken by the practicer. Use with caution at your own discretion.

Why Access Superconsciousness?

The superconscious state of being is accessed and used for optimal human performance including

  • Inspiration
  • Genius level thinking
  • Flow state
  • Brilliant ideas
  • Operating from love and absence of fear
  • Clearer or enhanced perception
  • Extrasensory perception
  • A broader perspective that one of the “ego” self
  • A high confidence level
  • Peacefulness
  • Compassion

If you are just beginning to access the superconscious state, I recommend you start here with Accessing the Superconscious State (For Beginners)

In my previous post of superconsciousness, we discussed techniques to access the lower levels of the superconscious state which include intuitive guidance, flow state, genius-level thinking and receiving or “downloading” of ideas.

There are 2 versions of Superconsciousness that we are training to access. The lower state and higher state.

  • Lower state: love based frequencies, intuition, amazing ideas.
  • Higher state: True experience of wholeness and transcending the ego identity into a consciousness that sees beyond personal identity with the human “self”.

Here were are going to cover how to access the higher superconscious state.

The higher state of superconsciousness is naturally more removed in vibration from usual human consciousness, so it takes more practice to maintain these superconsciousness vibrations while going about your human day.

The higher levels of superconsciousness include cosmic and unity consciousness. The main purpose of accessing this level of superconsciousness is to create a reference point and broaden your perspective.

Aaaannddd…. It has the potential to change your life.

The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size.”

– Oliver Wendell Holmes

Accessing the Higher Levels of Superconsciousness

Note, some of these are for informational purposes only. Those extraordinary experiences can leave you thinking, “What the f:)ck just happened?”. This is meant to explain those types of experiences.

Some of these cannot/should not be replicated at will. (Note: #3 & 4) or are meant to proceed only with caution at your own discretion. (Note: #2 & 5)

1. Transcendental Meditation

We’ll start with a foundational practice for accessing superconsciousness – Transcendental meditation.

I’ve tried a range of meditation practices. None have allowed this state of higher consciousness with the exception of transcendental meditation.

In transcendental meditation, your awareness expands beyond the “self” and into the expanded awareness of just “consciousness” or “pure awareness”.

Begin by focusing on something: your breath, a candle flame, a mantra, a certain sound, etc. until no new thoughts come to mind. Eventually, you will experience “the gap” or feelings outside of your body and into Unity or Cosmic consciousness. You will be in lambda or epsilon brainwave states and feel a sense of unity with all, blissfulness, peacefulness, love and absence of fear accompanied by a “knowingness” and clarity.

To achieve results, create a consistent daily practice. Meditation practice is like working out your muscles. The consistency of training creates the results – unless you have a Kensho or Satori experience described in #3.

Note: Do not get discouraged if you don’t experience expanded awareness right away. It could take weeks, months or even years. And yeah, it’s worth it.

What to Expect: In my experience, it has taken over an hour of meditation to access this state, and as I remember, it took months before the first time. With consistent daily practice, that can shorten to about 15 mins after starting meditation.

2. Psychedelic medicine

Psychedelic medicine includes psilocybin, ayahuasca, mescaline, LSD, DMT and more. They are used within various spiritual practices to allow the flow of superconsciousness states of being. Proceed with caution and under the guidance of a shaman or spiritual guide where permissible.

3. Kesho or Satori experiences

Kensho translates to “ken” which means “seeing” and “sho” which means “nature” or “essence”.

Satori is defined as sudden enlightenment.

They are similar, although Kensho is described as to be more of a glimpse into seeing one’s true nature, as Satori is an immersion and feeling of enlightenment or higher superconscious states.

These experiences usually occur unexpectedly. They can occur within meditation or in/after states of high emotional charge such as adversity, exultation, or grief.

4. Near-Death Experiences (Don’t try it though)

Near-death experiences create a mental and biological response that jolts you into superconsciousness. Along with a release of DMT in the body, the mind enters a highly effective state of function with abilities able to slow or exit time, process high amounts of information rapidly, have out of body experiences, experience expanded consciousness and genius thinking.

NO, we do not condone you practice this. Note for informational purposes only.

If you must try something, you can baby step into the following:

You can, however, safely create experiences of high intensity such as sky-diving, racing, ice-baths, climbing, high-lining and other adrenaline-junkie type sports. Although… these are most effective for putting you in the present moment and making you “feel alive”.

Being “in the moment”, “in the zone” and “on the edge” combined with your biological responses/chemicals and excitatory breathing trigger the “unstoppable” feeling, gratitude and exhilaration of being alive. You can then feel into this state to lean into superconsciousness.

5. Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini, derived from the Sanskrit language, translates to “coiled one”. It is described as serpent-like energy, or lifeforce, lying latent at the base of the spine. If you are able to activate this energy to help it rise up through your chakras you experience the literal strong bioelectric energetic flow accompanied by the experience of superconsciousness.

There are various ways to awaken this energy including kundalini yoga, kriya yoga, pranayama, daily meditation, detoxification and more. Take caution as this energy is strong and can cause psychosis, pain or illness when the body and mind vessels are not ready for the energetic flow. Read more about one man’s personal experience with Kundalini awakening here.

6. Holotropic Breathing

This breathing exercise, developed in the mid-1970s, involves breathing rapidly and exhaling deeply, nearly to the point of hyperventilation.

“Holotropic” means “moving towards wholeness”. After continuous practice within a session, you will experience altered states of consciousness, which may include superconsciousness and subconscious information rising into your conscious awareness.

7. Rapid Flashing Light Therapy

Flashing light therapy that can be set to different frequencies for brainwave entrainment into various states of consciousness, including superconsciousness.

8. Floatation Tanks

Floatation tasks, also knowns as sensory deprivation tanks, are saltwater filled pods deprived of light and sound. The saltwater contains a very high concentration of salt, enabling effortless floating. The water temperature is set to match body temperature, so you cannot feel the difference, creating the sensation of suspended weightlessness.

The sensory deprivation allows for an easier transition of “going inwards” away from the sensory human experience and into “pure awareness” and expanded super consciousness.

9. Brainwave Entrainment

By listening to the corresponding epsilon or lambda brainwave frequencies in the form of binaural beats, your brain will naturally follow these frequencies.

In my personal experience with epsilon brainwave entrainment, I have seen visions and sensations. I have not been catapulted into superconsciousness, more like nudged towards it.

The techniques above are used to achieve higher levels of superconsciousness, ranging in strength and effectiveness. Some techniques are much more powerful than others.

Best of luck experiencing a wider spectrum of yourself. 🙂

Did I miss a good technique?

Comment below and share your best advanced techniques for accessing superconsciousness.

Want to access the lower levels of superconsciousness for higher levels of performance? Check out those techniques here.


Accessing the Superconscious State (For Beginners)

Warning. Some of these practices can be advanced. Consciousness Liberty and its associates take no responsibility for any effects you may experience. All responsibility is taken by the practicer. Use with caution at your own discretion.

We are in a pivotal time in history. Our world is becoming more interconnected and information is flowing at an all-time high. There are endless distractions, services and products offered at your fingertips – and on the go.

With the onset of this informational age, we can have trouble with concentration, over-information, over-medication and performance.

The good news is that we are beginning to understand and leverage our tech and knowledge to improve the quality of our lives and enhance our performance.

Enter superconsciousness. We’ll start by defining what it is and how it can enhance every aspect of your life.

The ideas behind leveraging the superconscious state of mind are genius-level thinking, an empowering perspective, a startling flow of ideas, inspiration and excitement. We will be accessing the “higher self”, or the superconscious aspect of you that connects you to all the knowledge in the universe.

Within superconsciousness is the flow state. A state of being where you are mentally focused and clear. Otherwise known as “being in the zone.”

Here are more reasons to learn how to access the superconscious state:

  • Inspired action
  • Genius level thinking
  • Flow state
  • Brilliant ideas
  • Operating from love and absence of fear
  • Clearer or enhanced perception
  • Extrasensory perception
  • A broader perspective that one of the “ego” self
  • Self-confidence
  • Peacefulness
  • Compassion
  • Intuition

So let’s get into what the superconscious state of being is exactly.

There are varying levels of consciousness as defined by different schools of thought, ranging numerically within 3-7 levels, and more. They include subconscious, pre-conscious, conscious, unity conscious, higher consciousness, divine consciousness, cosmic consciousness and superconsciousness.

The different levels of consciousness create varying states of knowledge, perception and feelings.

What is true in one state of consciousness may not be so in another state.

“There is only consciousness in all its different expressions.”

– Deepak Chopra

Within the state of superconsciousness, you come into realization with a bigger part of “yourself”, “God”, “The Universe”. You release operating from a fear-based survival mindset into operating with a love-based, giving, service mindset.

Superconsciousness within the levels of consciousness

To illustrate, we’ll organize consciousness below in descending order from the highest realization and vibration to lowest:

  • Divine consciousness
  • Unity Consciousness
  • Cosmic Consciousness
  • Superconsciousness
  • Consciousness
  • Preconscious
  • Subconscious

Divine Consciousness – Seeing through the eyes of God. Nuff said.

Unity Consciousness – The state of consciousness that realizes that all is connected and we are all one. This can be an aspect of superconsciousness in its deeper or higher levels.

Cosmic Consciousness – Transcending sensory human consciousness. Loss of fear of death from “Knowing” that life and death are illusions from a more expanded perspective. Containing the Akashic Records or information about everything contained in the Universe.

Superconscious – Your mind connected to a bigger “self” accessing a perspective or ideas of superhuman abilities, genius thinking, broader perspective. It contains the qualities of interconnectedness, peace, bliss, clarity, love, altruism, service, safety and wellbeing.

Conscious – Your mind in a state of awareness and able to choose, direct, and reason.

Preconscious – The information within your mind that can be easily accessed into consciousness. This includes emotions or information that has not been repressed such as recalling your old address or phone number.

Subconscious – Below your conscious state or aware state and including your memories, stored emotions and experiences, automatic bio functions. Habits performed without “conscious thinking” and repressed or forgotten emotions and memories.

Superconsciousness As Related to Unity, Divine & Cosmic Consciousness

In superconsciousness, you can see the material dimension and the subtle interworkings of cosmic and unity consciousness and bring a broader perspective of ideas and optimal level of functioning to the human experience.

So in effect, superconsciousness at it’s higher levels overlaps with the lower levels of cosmic and unity consciousness.

So how can you reach the state of superconsciousness?

The broader perspective of superconsciousness can be measured in certain brainwave states known as lambda and epsilon frequencies. When you are in this brainwave functioning, the characteristics and experience of superconsciousness are present.

I’m not gonna put it to you lightly here. This is not always an easily achievable state. It usually takes practice and exercise.

Now that we understand the qualities of superconsciousness and the measurable frequency of superconsciousness, we can get into it.

Here are the various ways to attain superconsciousness. Before you get all excited and think you’re gonna be aaaallll superconscious for your next work project, let’s go over some prep.

The lambda and epsilon frequencies of superconsciousness are very high or low frequencies, meaning you need to train your body and mind to receive them.

If you do not train beforehand, it’s like trying to lift 10X the weight you usually lift at the gym with no prior training. Or like trying to run really high voltage into a lightbulb designed for low voltage. You’ll blow the lightbulb. I.e. you may hurt yourself.

You’re a bioelectrical being, so the lightbulb analogy is actually pretty accurate. Symptoms of blowing your personal bio-system may include,

  • Intense pressure in the body
  • Headaches
  • Psychosis
  • Unexplainable illness
  • Emotional instability

ranging from subtle to extreme.

So much like weight lifting, proper training needs to happen mentally, emotionally, spiritually and holistically.

Superconsciousness at its higher levels encompasses cosmic consciousness and even unity consciousness.

So to start training, we will access the lower levels of superconsciousness.

Accessing the Lower Levels of Superconsciousness

I will teach you to access the lower levels of superconsciousness to start. This is your higher self, intuition, genius thinking, flow state, heart intelligence and infinite intelligence.

There are 7 techniques below. And 3 bonus techniques that enhance the effects and make it easier to enter the lower levels of superconsciousness.

Remember that this takes consistent practice over time. The good news is that you can practice pretty much anytime you choose.

1. Get into love and gratitude states

You know that feeling where you’re in love and everything is perfect? This is the right frequency foundation. Feel love, feel gratitude. Just thinking about it is not enough.

Bonus: Get into a state of awe. Feel awe. Usually, you can find that feeling in the majesty of nature.

2. Keep your body moving and flexible

Walk, run, dance, swim, practice yoga. Keep your body healthy and flexible. A stiff body can inhibit the flow of energy and may also cause pressure or pain.

Bonus: Listen to your favorite song and let it move you. There are songs that just “take you there”. Songs that you absolutely love and take you to this inspired, pumped up, amazing place. Use those and allow the song to move your body.

3. Relax the mind and body

In order for energy to flow through the body, you need to relax it. Talk to Qui Gong practitioners. They’ll agree.

4. Ask for what you want

Set an intention. Align your mental energy for your desired outcome.

5. Allow it to flow

When your genius-level thinking, ideas and inspiration come, don’t question it, don’t crush the life out of it with logical, analytical or rational thinking. Ensure you allow it to flow to you by feeling worthy of it and trusting in it.

6. Eat clean and eat for vibration

In order to hold higher vibrations, you want to keep your body healthy and eat food that enhances that high vibration your going for. Usually, it’s eating clean (no junk food, no chemicals) and eating real food, not prepackaged foods.

This helps your body, the energy vessel, to better hold these higher frequencies. Fasting also allows for your body to move into higher vibrations.

Bonus: Note that eating meat grounds you. If you want to facilitate these vibrations refrain from eating meat around the time of practice.

7. Practice Transcendental Meditation

This is where things start to get a little more advanced. When you first start Transcendental Meditation, you will begin to tap into superconsciousness. As you continue to train in Transcendental meditation, you will eventually experience “the gap” an expanded level of consciousness that transcends your identification of self and your body. And you experience cosmic, super or unity consciousness. This coincides with lambda or epsilon brainwave states biologically. You will also be running much higher vibrational energy throughout your body.

Ready for some advanced superconscious state techniques? Stay tuned for my next post on advanced techniques for accessing the superconscious state.

Have questions or want to share your ideas or experience? Share below!


Want Better Results in Less Time? Do this 1 Thing to Work Smart & Increase Your Productivity

When performing any task – or series of tasks – such as work, exercising, conversing, dating, brainstorming, meditating etc. and you want to double or triple your productivity, the first thing you want to do is

Line up the energy around you and within you.

This creates a coherent, energetic focus, reduces friction and reduces the amount of time it takes to “get up to speed” or “get into flow” and maximize your productivity.

So how exactly do we do this?

We’ll start with the 10 step checklist to lining up your energy. It’s broken down into 2 main elements:

  • Your Environment (4 steps)
  • Yourself (6 steps)

Then, we’ll go over some examples of setups for tasks such as meditating and writing.

Here’s your checklist to lining up your energy:

1. Your Environment – Space

Where you perform the task. Create a space where you do that task and only that task. This helps for several reasons.

  • It acts as a trigger to train your brain to perform how it usually does when these environmental conditions are met.
  • It meets the requirements for the task at hand and is conducive to facilitating the task. That could mean that it provides the tools you need for the task, or people around you doing the same or similar tasks, or people that can be available to support you in your task.

2. Your Environment – Music

Select music that enhances the mood or feel of your task at hand for increasing performance.

Sometimes having no music is the way to go. Or you can use apps that create ambient sounds or music to help you in your task at hand. I like this app for ambient sound, Noisili.

3. Your Environment – Lighting

Lighting plays a huge role in energy alignment. It affects mood, biochemical production, and the general feel of a place. Use it to your advantage.

4. Your Environment – Misc

Including temperature, minimizing distractions, awareness of technology, food and scents.

5. Yourself – Body

Movement is a crucial determinant in thought and emotion. When you move or posture your body a specific way, it triggers your brain to feel that which you are embodying.

6. Yourself – Breath

The way you breathe has a profound impact on your state. Breathing short and fast stimulates your sympathetic nervous system and facilitates excitation and a state of anxiousness, adrenaline release or even anxiety as your body is prepared for action and self-preservation (flight or flight). Breathing slow and deep, in turn, signals your brain and body to go into parasympathetic or resting, relaxation mode. Either of which can help your task at hand.

7. Yourself – Emotions

Music plays a role in influencing emotions. You can also sit for a few minutes and consciously think of things that produce the desired emotion you want, then feel into that emotion. By “feel into” I mean focus on it, feel it and consciously maintain the feeling. Do this as long as you’d like to really get into that state of emotion you want. I recommend at least 20 seconds.

8. Yourself – Mental Commitment

Once you mentally commit to doing something, it has invaluable power to help you align all your resources into it’s completion. Good examples of this are:

  • Success stories of people with no plan B.
  • The ability for you to finish a 2-week task in 2 days because you know that you need to finish and turn it in by then.

9. Yourself – Mental Identity

The ability to see yourself as the right person for the task at hand. To believe in your ability to do it.

10. Yourself – Mental Flow

As you begin to align more and more elements, it’s easier to align yourself into mental flow or what many productivity gurus simply call “Flow”. It is a state of effortless, and sometimes genius-like, performance and productivity where the passing of time is forgotten, ideas and execution become effortless and brilliant and one is so absorbed in the task at hand that they lose themselves, per say, in the task.

Let’s take a look at some examples of tasks with these steps applied.

This is my setup.


  1. Environment – Space
    • Using the same space for meditation.
    • Using cushions.
    • Got used to using a blanket during meditation when it was cold, now it feels strange not to cover myself with a blanket. It immediately triggers a meditative state of consciousness.
  2. Environment – Music
    • Depending on the type of meditation and outcome, music is optional. I usually prefer no music to lose sensual contact and shift into a loss of ego consciousness. Consciousness of self.
    • I use binaural beats if I want to entrain my brain to a certain frequency.
    • I listen to music to evoke feelings for Metta Meditation.
  3. Environment – Lighting
    • No lighting is preferred. Lack of light stimulates pineal gland melatonin production and pineal gland simulation in general – which is great for meditation. 3rd eye stuff haha.
  4. Environment – Misc
    • I may use incense or essential oils depending on the desired outcome.
    • Phones on airplane mode. I become very averse to cellphone and wifi frequencies while meditation and afterward.
    • Tibetian singing bowl to cleanse the space before meditation.
  5. Yourself – Body
    • My go-to meditation position is half lotus pose.
    • Hands are upright, index finger to thumb usually. That changes depending on the desired outcome.
    • Tounge resting lightly on the roof of my mouth. Known as Jiva Bandha, it facilitates energetic flow.
  6. Yourself – Breath
    • Deep and slow for relaxation and oxygenation.
    • Different breathing techniques, or pranayama, have different consciousness-altering effects.
  7. Yourself – Emotions
    • I use music, thoughts or visualization to generate certain emotions for desired meditation outcomes. Great for Metta meditation or generating love vibration for the experience in itself and bliss.
  8. Yourself – Mental Commitment
    • I meditate every night. I know I’m going to do it and am committed to it, even if it’s late because I’m aware that it benefits my life.
    • The daily routine helps take any question or hesitation out of it.
  9. Yourself – Mental Identity
    • I consider myself someone who meditates regularly and is spiritually inclined.
  10. Yourself – Mental Flow
    • Everything else mentioned facilitates the energy and triggers the state to get into “flow”. In meditation, flow creates feelings of bliss, expansion and connection; and the absence of fear. I know I’m in flow when I’m in this consciousness state.


When I write for Consciousness Liberty, here’s my setup.

  1. Environment – Space
    • Go to a cafe and order a drink. Usually coffee.
    • I like having the feeling of people around while writing or working.
    • Minimizes the opportunity for distractions or engaging in other activities like being at home does.
    • Preferably a patio or nature scene if the weather is nice.
  2. Environment – Music
    • Usually, play a fast or powerful instrumental to free write. Sometimes it’s a slower music flow. Music definitely helps a lot.
    • I use headphones almost all the time when writing in a cafe. I’m looking for immersion into my writing.
  3. Environment – Lighting
    • Natural sunlight is preferred. Sitting next to a window or outside.
  4. Environment – Misc
    • I like the ambiance of a beautiful cafe.
    • Warm cozy atmosphere or beautiful patio day.
    • As for scents, tastes, and nervous system stimulation – coffee.
  5. Yourself – Body
    • Sitting in alert, attentive posture while writing.
  6. Yourself – Breath
    • Take a few deep breaths when I get stuck or caught up.
    • I also bring my attention to how I’m breathing from time to time.
  7. Yourself – Emotions
    • When writing in flow, I use music to help bring out an emotion related to what I’m writing about. Hands down, big influencer.
  8. Yourself – Mental Commitment
    • I drive to the cafe for the sole purpose of writing. When I sit in the chair to write, I’m not going anywhere else, doing anything else – I’m fully committed.
    • I also have a day a week I reserve to write.
  9. Yourself – Mental Identity
    • I identify with Consciousness Liberty and the values within it – no question.
  10. Yourself – Mental Flow
    • After several minutes, ideas begin to flow and I flow with it. As I follow this ritual, it’s becoming easier and easier to get into flow faster.

So, you get the idea.

If you’re thinking right now, “Oh yeah those are obvious basics,” then congrats, you already understand the concept.

We recognize intuitively when “something is off.” When you’re at a fine dining restaurant and the lighting isn’t right, you’ll feel it. You may not always recognize the specific factor, but you’ll feel it.

The idea is that you apply this concept and checklist of aligning your energy first, then tweak and test to maximize productivity.

How can you maximize alignment in a brainstorming session, before a big speech, before a competition, to facilitate rigorous training, for getting into flow faster, for sustained performance, etc?

Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!

Here’s to working smarter – not harder!

Truth is Relative. Reality is Relative.

This post relates to one of the most important concepts of Consciousness Liberty.

Finding and living your truth.

The purpose behind Consciousness Liberty is to give you the tools and mindset shifts that will create mental self-liberation so you can live in your authenticity and FIND/LIVE YOUR TRUTH.

Years ago, I was living the corporate life and I had this burning, insatiable desire to find “truth.” I didn’t know what that meant. I just knew I “NEEDED” to go find it. So I left – backpack in hand – to explore the world and more importantly to explore myself and find truth.

And I found truth.

I was beyond excited that I had discovered this key to life and HAD to SHARE it with the world – when a voice inside of me said,

“No, do not share this as truth, this is YOUR truth, not everyone’s truth.”

I began to realize that – although there are some concepts that seem to resonate universally – we are all a unique collection of our experiences, beliefs, teachings, perceptions, perspectives and DNA. We can process experiences in endless amounts of variations of perceptions. 

What is meaningful to you may not be meaningful to someone else and vice versa.

The important thing is that you find what resonates with YOU. What strikes a cord deep in the core of your being so strong, so right that you are bulletproof. No amount of opinions and convincing from others can shake you. It is the priciple you live by that gives you satisfaction and fulfillment.

In that moment, I realized that inside everyone’s consciousness is the entire universe from their own personal and unique point of view and that it is as unique as the person themselves. Truth is personal. Truth is relative.

So how is truth relative? Personal?

Truth is defined to be based on “reality.”

If you’ve ever had a “mind-enhancing” experience you will understand that “reality” can shift drastically. If you’ve been in a mindstate where time slows down or speeds up or you drove home from work and thought, “Wow how did I get here?” Or if you’ve ever gotten drunk, you can see that reality shifts based on the thoughts, perceptions, functions and chemicals in your brain.

What about things that are scientifically proven? What about things like gravity? What about the sun rising every morning?

There is such a thing as collective consciousness – A shared energy and perspective that creates our reality. Tom Chi, Co-Founder of Google X and Founder at Prototype Thinking LLC, explains it as “The Pallet of Being”

You can see reality as relative based on the fact that when you observe sometime you have the ability to change its manifestation or action based on your observation of it. This was observed in the famous quantum mechanics experiment, the Double Slit Experiment

Welcome to Consciousness Liberty. We are the light that illuminates your truth.

And you know what they say about truth? It sets you free. Free from all the noise, limitations, fears and status quo.

Here’s the Gameplan

  1. We are going to dive deeper into the recursive, meta-definition of truth and reality.
  2. Challenge that definition.
  3. Provide examples and bring up theories which provide explanations to the relative nature of truth and reality.
  4. Blow your mind.
  5. Show you how to apply it practically.

Ok #4, maaybeee. haha. Maybe.

Ready? Let’s dive deeper into truth. What is it?

Definition of Truth

1a(1): The body of real things, events, and facts : ACTUALITY
(2): The state of being the case : FACT
2a: The property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality.
(3) Often capitalized: A transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality
b: A judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true


The definition of truth is defined with the word Truth itself, along with the words Actuality, Reality and Fact. 

Let’s go deeper still.

Definition of Actuality

1: The quality or state of being actual.
2: Something that is actual: FACT, REALITY possible risks which have been seized upon as actualities— T. S. Eliot. In actuality: in actual fact


The definition of Actuality is described by pretty much itself (lol) and the words Fact and Reality.

Moving on…

Definition of Fact

1a: Something that has actual existence. Space exploration is now a fact.
b: An actual occurrence. Prove the fact of damage
2: A piece of information presented as having objective reality. These are the hard facts of the case.
3: The quality of being actual: ACTUALITY A question of fact hinges on evidence
4: a thing done: such as a: CRIME accessory after the fact.


Fact is defined by Actuality, Reality and Objective Reality.

Noticing a pattern here?

Definition of Reality

1: The quality or state of being real.
2a(1): A real event, entity, or state of affairs. His dream became a reality
(2): The totality of real things and events trying to escape from reality.
b: Something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily.


Reality – the state of being real. Awesome thanks for that, haha! Facepalm.

Let’s move on..

Here’s where we’re at.

  • Truth =Actuality, reality and fact.
  • Actuality = Fact, reality and objective reality.
  • Fact = Actuality or reality.
  • Reality = real, reality.

It’s a never-ending loop that struggles for a true definition within the same few words and collapses back onto itself. Although there is an interesting phrase to pull out of this – objective reality. 

Alright, let’s look up “objective reality”.

Not in the dictionary.

Diving into philosophy, here are a few definitions:

What is “Objective Reality”?

“The objective reality is the collection of things that we are sure exist independently of us. Every person is able, in principle, to verify every aspect of the objective reality. Anything that cannot be verified in this way is not part of the objective reality.”

“Many philosophers would use the term “objective reality” to refer to anything that exists as it is independent of any conscious awareness of it (via perception, thought, etc.).”

The argument for objective reality is anything that can be measured apart from perception – i.e. using tools of measurement.

For example:

  • You are holding ice in 1 hand and something a hot beverage in the other hand.
  • Then at the same time put both hands into a bucket of water.

The hand that was holding ice will feel warmer and the hand that was holding the hot beverage will feel colder in that same bucket. Yet the bucket of water remains the bucket of water itself. Nothing has changed with it – Although there are 2 perceptions of what it is based on subjective (perceived) reality.

So in this example, the “objective reality” is the bucket of water.

Collective Consciousness Does Not Prove Absolute Reality

Now, what if?…

What if the proposed subject is experiencing this bucket of water while under the influence of LSD, an hallucinogenic enabler.

Now the bucket of water is changing colors, talking to the subject and creating little pictures for the subjects amusement. A subjective experience.

Now imagine that a large majority of subjects all experience the bucket on LSD. Everyone believes the bucket of water is a talking, rainbow that draws pictures. It becomes “collective truth or wisdom” based on a multitude of perceptions that agree. But it does NOT make it truth. It is basically universal subjective reality – not objective.

Challenging The Bucket of Water as an “Objective Reality”

And yet the bucket of water is still the bucket of water. Even with instruments of measurement, we are still relying on perception to interpret or read the results. Therefore, all we can “know” about reality MUST be perceived – MUST be subjective.

The bucket of water is still the bucket of water – Yet we cannot “know” it because we MUST perceive it.

We Cannot “Know” Reality, Only Conceptualize it: Plato’s Theory of Reality

Plato argued that truth is an abstraction divorced from the so called “external world”. (4,5)

If you take the bucket of water example, the bucket can be perceived in endless ways by various consciousnesses: hot, cold, 77º F, H20, energy waves, particles, wet, reflective etc.

However, there is a constant that consciousness seems to agree on.

“This” is what “that thing” IS to them. The ESSENCE of it.

 Immanuel Kant used the expression “Ding an sich” (the “thing-in-itself”) to designate pure objectivity. (2)

Even with different words to describe the water, or different perceptions of it – that is what “bucket of waterness” is to the subject. The idea of it. In his Theory of Forms, Plato taught that ideals are ultimately real.

“The Theory of Forms or Theory of Ideas is a philosophical theory, concept, or world-view, attributed to Plato, that the physical world is not as real or true as eternal, absolute, unchangeable ideas. According to this theory, ideas in this sense, often capitalized and translated as “Ideas” or “Forms”, are the non-physical essences of all things, of which objects and matter in the physical world are merely imitations. “

Basically, Plato argues that ideas can be absolute, “or hold an absolute turth/ reality. It’s a mental playing field. And – Also the 1st law of the Hermetic Universal Truths. The Principle of Mentalism “All is mind”. Which is in itself a concept.

Along with the ideas/ concepts/ philosophies of Hermetism, we have scientific “truths” of physics, quantum physics etc. which do not hold constant or absolutely true.

With the arrival of quantum physics disproving the absoluteness of physics – physists struggled to find an absolute theory of everything. Einstein tried and did not succeed. Hawkings ensued and also did not succeed. Physists are still trying. (12)

Even universal principles cease their universiality when you imagine a reality existing outside of everything we know.

Imagine a world where the world is square, with new laws of physics and new “forms”, colors, object, experiences that which don’t exist in anything we’ve ever come across or have the capacity to perceive or imagine.

Possible, and therfore all “truths” crumble to this potentiality.

If We Cannot “Know” Something, It Falls Outside of Our Reality and is Not Real to Us – Except as a Concept.

Here’s an example. Imagine the entire world is blind. Everyone. We have no ability to perceive, to know sight. If we were introduced to “sight” could we see it?

There is an interesting study of a man – dubbed Mr. Pentagon – born blind, and his experiences on the potent hallucinogenic, LSD.

“I never had any visual images come to me. I can’t see or imagine what light or dark might look like,” Mr. Blue Pentagon told the researchers. But under the influence of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide, also known as acid), sounds felt unique and listening to music felt like being immersed in a waterfall, he said. “The music of Bach’s third Brandenburg concerto brought on the waterfall effect. I could hear violins playing in my soul and found myself having a one hour long monologue using different tones of voices … LSD gave everything ‘height.’ The sounds coming from songs I would normally listen to became three dimensional, deep and delayed.”

Having never “known” sight and being born without the ability for sight, Mr. Pentagon did not have any visual images. Of the LSD “reality” which was experienced, sight was not included. Inexperienceable, incomprehesible.

We as perceiving being cannot “know” absolutes, yet only entertain ourselves using concepts, ideas, principles, etc. about absolutes.

Therefore truth and reality are based on personal perceptions based on our unique makeup, ideals, and collective reality. (Collective reality: the reality a collective group of consciousness (people per say) can agree on.)

Spiritually speaking, Truth is found once we become “enlightened”. It’s defined as the “full comprehension of a situation” (9) The experience of Enlightenment is still a perceived reality.

If there is an “absolute reality” we cannot perceive it.

We are biased, perceptual beings by nature. Therefore it falls outside of our reality and doesn’t exist to us, except in concept or ideal, as Plato defines.

Theoretically, if we we are to entertain the idea of an absolute reality and see it through the absolute, all inclusive eyes of “Source” “God” “All” – we would see absolute reality as the all inclusive potentiality of being. This is considering all possible genetic combinations, perspectives, genetic makeup, information and perception (thus being absolute consciousness) or conversely, non at all (thus being absolute consciousness). This thoery is also proposed by Bishop Berkley’s Idealism thoery (10).

Absolute truth and reality would be everything – and also unknown to us.

Therefore falling outside of our scope of reality or ability to perceive and know, except as a conceptual imaginative creation, an ideal.

Within our perception of reality, Truth is relative. Reality is relative. 

For Practical Application

  1. Your truth is personal and as unique as you are.
  2. Do not impose your truth onto others.
  3. When in an argument about “Who is right” keep in mind there are multiple realities. All are true to the consciousness that believes or “holds” them as true.
  4. Find your truth and live it. It’s only yours.
  5. The definition of truth as a circular meta-reference alludes to our inability to “know” it.

And YOUR TRUTH will set you free. In your integrity. In your authenticity. In your congruency. In your unique expression onto this world.

I’m here to help you find it. Contact me if you want to get in touch or say hi.

With Love,

– Jacqueline
Consciousness Liberty


Unlock brain potential

Unlock Your Genius Through Brain Synchronization

Ready for a mindset shift?

There is no such thing as being a left or a right-brained person.

We were born with both sides of the brain to use both sides of the brain.

In contemporary western society – specifically the business sector – we tend to favor our left brain’s analytical, logical, focused thinking.

Society has conditioned us to identify and favor one side of the brain, so we identify with either being left or right brain and tend to use only one side. We say things like, “Oh, I’m just not a creative person.” or “I’m not a numbers person.”

What if you could have both?

Luckily, you can!

Favoring one side of the brain creates limitation and mental imbalance characterized by migraines, stress, brain fogginess, memory lapse, anxiety and a limited and narrow capacity for thinking and functioning.

Let’s take a look at what the left and right hemispheres are designed to do

To simplify:

  • Left hemisphere thinking: Generally more sequential, linear, logical, practical, mathematical, analytical, scientific, and time-oriented.
  • Right hemisphere thinking: More non-linear, intuitive, abstract, big-picture focused, creative, and space-oriented.

It appears to be common knowledge that the right side of the brain is creative and language-based and the left brain is logic and analytics based. In reality, both sides of the brain handle both analytic and creative elements. It’s just that one side of the brain is more specialized for a certain type of action. [10]

There is an interesting phenomenon that happens when you take on a certain task. One side of your brain will take on the task even if it’s not specialized for the task, and your brain will not switch over to the other side of the brain, even if the task is better suited. It will just take the task and run with it. You could be using the less suited side of your brain or missing out on entire regions of your brain when functioning and thinking. [9]

When you don’t use one side of the brain, your brain defaults to what it’s used to and the parts that don’t get used atrophy. This creates a narrow-minded view of the world, limited thinking capacity and neurological imbalance. It’s like trying to draw a picture using word processing software instead of Photoshop or an image editing software. It’s just not the best tool for the job.

We are going to explore how to achieve brain synchronization, strengthen the parts of the brain that don’t get used as often, create new neurological connections in the brain, and balance your central nervous system for a great deal of physical, mental, and emotional benefits.

It’s time to maximize the use of your brain and maximize your potential.

“This relative shift in hemispheric dominance (from left-brain dominance to whole-brain dominance) may result in therapeutic effects which are likely to enhance mind-body integration and overall improvements in physical and emotional health. Because of a reduction in cognitive activities during moments of whole brain synchrony, it is believed that negative thinking, self-punitive thoughts and excessive worrying are apt to slow down and consequently a reduction in cognitive anxiety is experienced.”

[Carrington, 1977; Sadigh,1991; Schwartz, Davidson, & Goleman, 1978.]

You have two sides of the brain so why not use both to your advantage? Why not use them together to achieve powerful results of increased focus, super learning and enhanced creativity.

You can do this through brain synchronization.

First of all, what is brain synchronization?

“[Synchronization] Coherence is one mathematical method that can be used to determine if two or more sensors, or brain regions, have similar neuronal oscillatory activity with each other.” or thus in sync with each other.


The oscillatory activity of wavelengths is detected with an Electroencephalography (EEG) or Magnetoencephalography (MEG) machine and then analyzed with several types of mathematical algorithms.

What are the benefits of brain synchronization?

Being able to combine or connect each part of the brain’s specialty is like bringing together a team of experts, all in your brain.

Brain coherence creates homeostasis in your central nervous system and allows for more flexibility in thinking. You are able to draw upon the strengths of your brain in both the analytical and creative sense, increased peacefulness and clarity of mind, increased sports performance, memory, health, emotional stability, focus, less stress, better sleep, allowance for super learning and more energy. [2]


Brain synchronization also reduces migraines, fogginess, and memory lapses and helps build clarity, concise thinking, and help recover maximum functionality.

So you’re probably thinking, “YES! Let’s do this! How do we begin?”

Before we get carried away with brain synchronization, it’s important to note that your brain has evolved into two separate hemispheres for important reasons.

“It doesn’t seem feasible for the hemispheres to fully share information or to operate in a fully unified fashion. Moreover, in a lot of cases, keeping things separate is (literally!) the smarter way for the hemispheres to function. Dividing up tasks and allowing the hemispheres to work semi-independently and take different approaches to the same problem seems to be a good strategy for the brain … just as it often is in partnerships between people.”

Kara D. Federmeier, cognitive neuroscientist []

In order to survive, our brains evolved the ability to focus simultaneously on two things at a given time. The left brain is designed to focus on what you give your attention to – a more narrow, detail and time-oriented design – while the right brain stays available to focus on all the dangers and what if’s – a broader and spacial oriented design. [10]

This is designed to keep you alive, in case you’re minding your own business, observing some cool stuff and an unexpected danger comes your way. Or in nature – while you’re hunting and potentially being hunted.

Pretty awesome right?

So usually, that’s how it works, although there are some specialized tasks that benefit from using both sides of the brain and various regions of the brain in communication.

What is brain synchronicity best used for?

Sometimes you want your brain hemispheres to function independently and sometimes you want them to synchronize. When is the best time to maximize brain synchronization?

  • Exercise & Playing sports – Coordination and physical execution.
  • Brainstorming – generating ideas, creative thinking, writing or “downloads” – spontaneous bursts of genius thinking or ideas that pop into your mind.
  • Neurological balance – central nervous system balance, limbic system/mood balance, clear thinking, removing fogginess or migraines/headaches, promoting peacefulness.
  • Positivity – Enhancing positive outlook on life and positive thoughts.
  • Super learning – Enhancing the capacity for learning and retaining information in the brain through strengthening and facilitating information transfer in various regions of the brain. The striatum learns things quickly, while the prefrontal cortex puts the pieces together to understand the big picture. If the communication is not effective or present, you will have more ability with understanding and retaining the information.

“The striatum learns very simple things really quickly, and then its output trains the prefrontal cortex to gradually pick up on the bigger picture,” Miller says. “The striatum learns the pieces of the puzzle, and then the prefrontal cortex puts the pieces of the puzzle together.”

– Dr. Jeffrey Miller [ ]

Brain Regions

Neuroimaging brain studies have found that there are specific regions of the brain that are specialized at processing certain types of information. There is also evidence that shows that separate specialized parts of the brain communicate with each other in order to combine their specialties and increase the effectiveness of thought.

Each region is designed to specialize in a specific task and when tasks require various specialties, the brain is designed to communicate through neurons firing to each other on the same frequency – thus brain synchronization.

“C. Maxwell Cade, in his research concerning the mind and its states of awareness, concluded that peak mental functioning is associated with bilateral hemispheric synchrony.”


Biologically, how does brain sync work?

The left and right hemispheres of our brain are physically separate. The deep groove that separates them is called the longitudinal fissure. There is a band that connects them called the corpus callosum (see image below). The corpus callosum, the bundle of nerve fibers that connects our brain hemispheres, is the bridge or communication center between the two hemispheres.

longitudial fissue and corpus callosum

Studies have shown the corpus callosum is thicker in ambidextrous people and people who meditate.

Studies have shown ambidextrous people (Being ambidextrous technically means equal with both hands) to be better able to read people, see both sides of an issue, and recall details of an event and their context. Better integration and balance of the brain hemispheres allows a better kind of thinking.[2]

A 2012 UCLA School of Medicine study found that the “corpus callosum,” the grand central station-like cable of nerves cross-linking the brain hemispheres, was remarkably stronger, thicker, and more well connected in meditation practitioners.

Dominantly using only one side of your brain, causes shrinkage in the areas of your brain that are not being used, such as the corpus callosum.

Just like building muscles with exercise, you will strengthen and build your corpus callosum with use to be able to more easily communicate between your brain hemispheres.

Brain synchronization and the formation of new neurological connections

It has been shown that brainwave synchronization likely precedes the changes in synapses, or connections between neurons, believed to underlie learning and long-term memory formation.

Through the brain’s neuroplasticity, it’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. [3] Over time you can rewire and reform it use it’s maximum potential.

“If you can change your thoughts from moment to moment, you can’t be doing it by constantly making new connections and breaking them apart in your brain. Plasticity doesn’t happen on that kind of time scale.”

“There’s got to be some way of dynamically establishing circuits to correspond to the thoughts we’re having in this moment, and then if we change our minds a moment later, those circuits break apart somehow. We think synchronized brain waves may be the way the brain does it.”

– Miller, member of MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory

How to synchronize the brain

There are several ways that brain synchronization can be achieved.

1. Meditation

One of the most effective ways to create left and right brain synchronization is meditation. Meditation balances your left and right brain hemispheres and strengthens your corpus callosum. [8]

“During meditation, the grand central station-like cable of nerves connecting your two brain hemispheres, the corpus callosum — becomes deeply stimulated, much like a joggers legs on a long run.”


2. Exercise & Movement

The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. Using both sides of your body uses and strengthens both sides of the brain improving coordination.

You can also focus on crossing the midline of your body by touching one side of your body to the other, such as your left hand on your right knee. When doing so, your brain sends signals from one hemisphere to the other.

3. Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana)

This technique has been used by yogis throughout history to purify the nadis or energy channels in the body. The nasal cycle has been scientifically shown to be linked to the opposite hemispheric dominance.

When your right nostril is dominant, the EEG (electroencephalogram) measured activity in the brain is greater in the left hemisphere of your brain – and vice versa. When the nostril dominance switches, so does the activity of the brain hemisphere.

Follow along with Adriene in the video below to learn how to do Nadi Shodhana.

4. Switching Up Your Routine

If you are normally someone who is logical and analytical, try a free-thinking approach or ideology outside of your normal routine and vice versa. Use your non-dominant hand for activities such as brushing your teeth or eating.

The left brain is better suited for familiar movements, while the right brain is better suited for new ones. Variation in movement activates both sides of your brain.

5. Binaural Beats & Hemi Sync Technology

One of the easiest ways to sync the left and right hemispheres of your brain is through binaural beats. This involves delivering sound waves of sightly different frequencies through headphones into each each to produce brainwave entrainment that follows the difference in hertz between each frequency.

So if one ear is hearing 100 HZ and the other is hearing 107 HZ, there is a difference of 7 HZ and your brain will entrain (or follow) the frequency of 7 HZ, thus falling into theta brainwave frequency. Read more about brainwave frequencies here.

“Brainwave entrainment, also referred to as brainwave synchronization and neural entrainment, refers to the capacity of the brain to naturally synchronize its brainwave frequencies with the rhythm of periodic external stimuli, most commonly auditory, visual, or tactile.”


Basically, the brain will begin to sync with the same vibrations it is exposed to.

By entraining brainwaves with binaural beats using headphones, it is possible to float the brain in this state of hemispheric synchronization for prolonged periods. Each time we do this, it is like exercising a new brain function, which makes the brain more able to engage this function as it’s normal repertoire of behavior,”

“Using sound in these ways, it is possible to make profound changes in brainwave patterns and states of consciousness, observable on brainwave mapping equipment (EEG), as well as positive changes in the body, measurable with blood tests, bio-feedback equipment and other sophisticated procedures. We are also able to influence the core balance and functioning of the brain and central nervous system as a whole.”

– Dr. Jeffrey Thompson. Founder/ Director of The Center for Neuroacoustic  Research in Carlsbad, California []

Our brains are usually in the beta brainwave frequency of alertness and concentration, so it’s good to entrain your brain back to alpha, theta or delta frequencies, promoting relaxation while syncing your brain hemispheres. To read more about brainwave frequencies, click here.

Hemi-Sync technology is specifically designed to achieve brain synchronization and induce various desired states of consciousness such as deep relaxation or focused attention. [5]

You can also find various videos on brain synchronization by searching online for “brain synchronization binaural beats”.

6. Listening To or Playing A Musical Instrument

Various studies have been done on the effects of music on the brain. Listening to music lights up the large-scale neural networks of the brain associated with emotion (limbic system), listening, motor (movement) skills and creativity.

Playing music is unique because it engages the right brain, through focus on the melody in music. The left hemisphere is responsible for the understanding of musical structure and motor skills when playing the instrument.

Listening to music and playing instruments strengthens the various areas of the brain and their connections and improves the amount of neural response to stimuli for increased coordination and sensitivity. [6, 16, 17]

How do I know when my brain is synchronized?

Good question.

You can tell when you feel clarity of mind, when you feel “in the zone”, awesome ideas are flowing and you feel present and vibrant.

You can also tell by the positive outlook you have on life and the feeling of being unstoppable.

You can also tell by your coordination ability. When you’re playing the guitar smoothly and flawlessly or making shots while playing sports.

You get the idea.

Remember, just like exercise, over time you will strengthen the various regions of the brain responsible for synchronization and facilitate information transfer, optimal thinking, coordination and memory, a balanced neural system and a positive outlook on life.

Not bad huh? You’ll feel like you have superpowers.

Just don’t let it go to your head haha. 😛


  1. Carrington, 1977; Sadigh,1991; Schwartz, Davidson, & Goleman, 1978.